Life Launch Program

The Problem

The Solution

The Hub585’s Life Launch Program is dedicated to ensuring all youth ages 13-18 in Monroe County foster care have the committed durable relationships in their lives to ensure their success and wellbeing as they prepare and move toward independence.

We believe the orphans of our time are young adults aging out of the foster care system and from other hard places. Life Launch mentor teams interrupt the cycles of abandonment, poverty, and trauma that these young adults have experienced by creating patterns of safety, trust, and respect.

The Life Launch mentorship model uses the healing power of safe, unpaid adult relationships to foster hope and personal agency, which are necessary for young adults to achieve independence and stability.

Life Launch FAQs

Click the questions to see the answers

Teenagers eligible for the Life Launch Program and referred by the Department of Human Services Child Welfare Department. Eligible teens are involved with DHS in Monroe County and between the ages of 13-18 at the time of the referral.

Eligible mentees are community members above the age of 21 who are willing and capable of connecting with mentees through humility using a Biblical Framework. Our mentors must be able to connect with all youth from various backgrounds, experiences and levels of trauma.

The Life Launch Programs values the leadership model of Jesus Christ and uses a Biblical Framework to guide our mentors through connecting with mentees through humility and compassion. We also value our community partnerships and leave room for community members who are not active in the faith community to work alongside us to bring hope and healing to teens in foster care. We look for mentors who are all around compatible with our vision and mission.

Mentees of all religions, beliefs, and experienced are welcomed and safe at the Hub585’s mentoring program.

We ask that mentor commit to weekly communication for roughly 3 hours per month for 1 year.

We ask that all mentors and mentees commit to working together for one year. Now of course, our hope is that the relationship organically develops into a lifelong relationship. But we understand that does not always happen. So, we ask for a one-year commitment.

Once mentor complete the Life Launch Mentor Training they will receive a Resource Kit that includes a list of fun things to do in our community. We ask that mentors and mentees spend time enjoying each other and connecting.

Supporting our mentor teams is one of the top priorities of Life Launch. We check in on a monthly basis with both mentors and mentees to help support and guide along the way. It is also our goal during these times to help equip you as mentors and mentees with the tools you need to cultivate our program expectations. It is imperative that all of our teams respond to our monthly check-ins so that we can help identity red flags, team drift, address questions, and make sure you all feel well supported as you embark on this adventure together as a team.

Yes, there will be opportunities for mentor teams to connect with other mentor teams.

Yes, mentees will have opportunities to connect with other mentees.

Interested in becoming a mentor?

Email Lara Capuano at